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CMI Global
CMI Global exists as a fellowship of ministers and churches for the purpose of helping establish + strengthen the local church.
Prayer Days for CMI
Febuary 14 - CMI Spring Meetings
March 14 - CMI Missionaries
April 11 - CMI Leaders
May 9 - God's Anointing for Direction and All of CMI Global
June 13 - Finances for All Members, Ministries, and All Churches
July 11 - Pastors, Families, and the American Church
August 8 - Youth and Children
September 12 - CMI 50th Anniversary Convention
October 10 - CMI Education
November 14 - World CMI Indigenous Fellowships
December 12 - World Awakening and Revival Through the Prince of Peace.
CMI Global Area Meeting: Olean, NY
CMI Global Area Meeting: Olean, NY
FRI, MAY 14, 20217:00 PM SAT, MAY 15, 202112:00 PM
You can register for the CMI Global Area Meeting using the link below. This is a free event.
CMI Global Area Meeting: Olean, NY — CMI Global
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